Creating Inclusive Virtual Apprenticeship Programs and More Accessible Workplaces

Event Date/Time: 

Tuesday, January 31st, 2023
2:00 PM EST - 3:30 PM EST


Online via Zoom Webinar Platform


Can employers expand their access to diverse talent while also developing more inclusive workplaces? Speakers from the Partnership on Inclusive Apprenticeship (PIA) and the Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) will discuss how creating apprenticeship programs and implementing accessible recruiting practices can do just that. Apprenticeships can help employers find, train, and retain employees from untapped talent pools, including individuals with disabilities. But, in order to be successful, these programs and the organizations that lead them, must be designed to be inclusive and accessible, both virtually and in-person. When apprenticeship program leaders and employers prioritize inclusion and accessibility, they also advance their diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) goals and are able to attract other under-served workers across the board.

General Accommodations: 

Open or Closed Captions
Materials Available in Alternate Formats

From the Sponsor: 

Region 4 - Southeast ADA Center, Region 5 - Great Lakes ADA Center, ADA National Network


Business, Employer, People with Disabilities, State and Local Government, ADA Coordinator, Consumer Advocate, Educator, Family Member of Person With Disability, Service Provider, State/Local Affiliate


Employment (ADA Title I), Accessible Technologies, Disability Awareness/Education, Effective Communication, Hiring, Non-Discrimination


ACTCP Credit, Attendance





Registration Deadline: 

Monday, January 30, 2023