The purpose of this study was to determine if the attendees of the National ADA Symposium used and implemented the information they learned in their workplace or community, and if they have not, what barriers they have experienced and what resources would be beneficial to help attendees implement ADA standards and policy. Findings showed that The National ADA Symposium is effective in providing useful information for attendees. A majority of respondents from both the online survey (97.2%) and follow up interview (100%) reported using information from the ADA Symposium in their work, community, or both. Results from the follow-up interview included how information was used, barriers to implementation, and suggestions for additional resources. Common methods of implementing information identified by respondents included training, networking, and obtaining funding. Common barriers identified were funding, complicated laws, and attitudinal barriers. Additional resources identified by attendees included more opportunities for training, networking for ADA coordinators, and more funding.
Citation: Smith, D.L., Borgard, S., Braselton, C., Hoffman, A., Reinkemeyer, J., DeJong, J., & Hamburg, L. (2012). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Training on the Americans with Disabilities Act on Implementation in the Workplace and Community in the United States.