Accessible Moviegoing

Event Date/Time: 

Thursday, December 8th, 2022
2:00 PM EST - 3:30 PM EST


Online via Zoom Webinar Platform


Moviegoing is a well-loved activity. During this session, staff from The Prospector Theater will discuss ways to provide an inclusive moviegoing experience for all. In the movie industry, having Adaptive Technology available is not only the right thing to do (and a legal requirement), but it's also a smart business decision. The more guests that can enjoy a movie means more ticket sales, popcorn sold, and beverages poured! The Prospector staff will discuss some of the Adaptive Technology used at the theater such as Audio Description Headsets, Closed-Captioning Cup holders, C-Pen Readers, Modified Point of Sale screens to include images and custom colors, and so much more! There will be time for participants to ask questions of the speakers following the presentation.

General Accommodations: 

Open or Closed Captions
Materials Available in Alternate Formats

From the Sponsor: 

Region 5 - Great Lakes ADA Center


People with Disabilities, State and Local Government, ADA Coordinator, Consumer Advocate, Family Member of Person With Disability, Industry Representative or Product Developer, Service Provider


Facility Access, Public Accommodations (ADA Title III), State and Local Government (ADA Title II), Non-Discrimination, Program Access, Reasonable Accommodation, Reasonable Modification of Policy and Procedures, Service Animals


ACTCP Credit, Attendance





Registration Deadline: 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022