The Americans with Disabilities Act at 31: How Can We Meet Landmark Legislation’s Promise of Full Equality?

Event Date/Time: 

Monday, July 26th, 2021
10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 PM EDT

Location of Event (Web or City, State):


To mark this anniversary of a piece of landmark civil rights legislation, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) will convene disability rights advocates working in the Southeast region of the United States to discuss how the ADA changed American society for the better and how to meet the ADA’s full promise of equality for people with disabilities across the range of their experiences in voting, education, and the criminal justice systems.

Cost of Event: 


Registration Requirement: 

Not Required

Sponsoring Organization(s) of Event: 

Southern Poverty Law Center, The ARC, Accessible Alabama, Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program


  • People with Disabilities


  • ADA Anniversary