Inclusion Confusion: What is the SELF-ID Form and Why is it Important?
Event Date/Time:
An estimated 34.2 million US citizens have a disability, yet only 26% of people with a disability are known to be in the workforce. These statistics could change due to movements for inclusion and technology advancements. However, stigma persists regarding asking and answering the question – do you have a disability? This Webinar looks at differences between Self-ID and self-disclosure and sheds new light on how this sensitive question makes people act and feel.
Learning Objectives
- The Difference between Self-ID and Self Disclosure – how to avoid the Inclusion Confusion
- Why the Self ID Question is asked, how that information is tracked, stored and utilized
- How do people with disabilities and their service providers FEEL about the request to Self-ID
- What can be done to make everyone more knowledgeable and more comfortable about this topic
Continuing Education Recognition Available:
- Human Resources Certification Institue (HRCI) ($20 fee)
- Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) ($20 fee)
- Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) ($20 fee)
- Certificate of Participation - If you would like a certificate of participation, there is a $10 fee per participant.
The Presenter:
Janet Fiore, a national authority on disability, diversity and compliance policy and procedure for business, is the President and CEO of The Sierra Group. She’s an award-winning speaker and consultative trainer who routinely provides media input as well as testimony for Congress, the GSA and the Department of Veterans Affairs. As a woman with numerous disabilities, Janet combines her business and rehabilitation expertise, along with her own professional and personal accommodation experiences in order to ‘drive up’ employment success for all of her customers.
The Webinar:
- This webinar will be presented via the Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing platform.
- A telephone conference option will also be available if you choose not to use the webinar platform.
- Information on accessing the webinar platform and the telephone conference number will be provided prior to the session.