Access to Healthcare for Individuals with Autism: Best Practice and Obligations under the ADA
Event Date/Time:
Incidence of autism is on the rise in our country, yet many of the resources about the needs of this community are focused on the very young. This webinar will focus on strategies to work effectively with young adults with autism as they access the health care system, either alone or with family support. Discussion will focus on understanding the autism spectrum, basic etiquette in working with the autistic community, and modifications or accommodations that might make this easier for both the provider and the person with a disability. Case study examples from across the region will be provided,
This session will:
- Aid in understanding the various ways individuals on the autism spectrum experience and interact with the world.
- Provide tips on interacting with the autistic community.
- Provide information on the obligation health care facilities have to accommodate people with disabilities along with strategies to implement those accommodations.
Presented by: Wendy Strobel Gower, Project Director, Northeast ADA Center