Mark Harniss, PhD, Co-Director of the ADA Knowledge Translation Center reported three research projects designed and managed by the ADAKTC. The first project, the Outcomes Measurement System serves to track the quantity and characteristics of the ADA National Network’s training, technical assistance and dissemination activities. The second project, the, ADA Outcomes Survey measures the impact of ADANN activities by conducting phone surveys to identify what kinds of outcomes (knowledge, decision, implementation or no/unknown outcomes) resulted from the services. The third and final project involved interviewing Technical Assistance (TA) providers in each regional center to understand their role in implementing the ADA and the changing information needs of recipients of TA. Recipients of TA were most often individuals with disabilities, and the most common ADA topics were questions about service animals, parking, housing, employment, building design, transportation as well and region-specific laws and resources. Among the TA services analyzed, the majority resulted in improved access for individuals with disabilities (implementation outcome). Working with a trusted regional TA provider and understanding how the ADA intersects with other laws were found to be key to successfully implementing ADA polices. Another finding was that ADA information alone is not sufficient in order to implement the ADA. Recipients also need to know how that information applies to their particular situation, and they need guidance and support to make implementation happen.