Traumatic Brain Injury: Considerations for Employment Support & Success
Event Date/Time:
Whether returning to work after recovering from a brain injury or living with the long-term sequela of a brain injury incurred years ago, individuals with a history of brain injury may require specific supports and accommodations to be successful in the workplace. This session will explore common cognitive, physical and psychosocial issues experienced after brain injury and how supervisors, co-workers and those living with brain injury can implement strategies for success.
Anastasia Edmonston, Traumatic Brain Injury and Person Centered Planning Trainer, Maryland Mental Hygiene Administration
Anastasia Edmonston has worked in the field of brain injury rehabilitation since 1983. She has worked on a variety of brain injury initiatives for the Maryland Mental Hygiene Administration since 2003. As of September 2012 Ms. Edmonston is the Traumatic Brain Injury and Person Centered Planning Trainer under Maryland’s Money Follows the Person and Balancing Incentive Projects. In addition she is the Clinical Coordinator for the Brain Injury Transitions Project, serving transition age youth with brain injury and behavioral health issues.
Applications for continuing education credits have been submitted to the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification and the HR Certification Institute.