Mid-Atlantic ADA Center ADA Conference

Event Date/Time: 

Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 to Thursday, October 13th, 2022


Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia


The 29th Annual Mid-Atlantic ADA Conference (ADAcon), hosted by the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center in partnership with the Great Plains ADA Center, is a comprehensive conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act featuring more than 30 breakout sessions and panel discussions. This year’s conference features session tracks on disability inclusion in employment, state and local government programs, corrections and law enforcement, and parks and recreation.

A separate pre-conference event, to be held at The St. James Sports, Wellness, and Entertainment Complex will feature sessions, tours, demonstrations, and opportunities to participate in inclusive recreational activities.

General Accommodations: 

American Sign Language (ASL)
Open or Closed Captions
Materials Available in Alternate Formats

Other Accommodations: 

Accommodations by request. Please email adatraining@transcen.org, or select accommodations when registering.

From the Sponsor: 

Region 3 - Mid-Atlantic ADA Center


Architects/Contractors, Business, Employer, People with Disabilities, State and Local Government, ADA Coordinator, Attorney or Other Legal Professional, Consumer Advocate, Educator, Service Provider, State/Local Affiliate


Employment (ADA Title I), Facility Access, General ADA Information, Other Laws, Public Accommodations (ADA Title III), State and Local Government (ADA Title II), ADA Center Information, Disability Awareness/Education, Non-Discrimination, Reasonable Accommodation, Reasonable Modification of Policy and Procedures, Service Animals


ACTCP Credit, Attendance




$ 650.00

Registration Deadline: 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022