Housing Issue for People with Disabilities: The ADA and other laws / Problemas de Vivienda para las Personas con Impedimentos La ley ADA y otras leyes

Event Date/Time: 

Friday, September 19th, 2014
2:00 PM EDT - 3:30 PM EDT


Online Webinar


Housing is essential to human survival. This commodity affords the physiological and emotional reassurance needed for citizens to engage in meaningful activities in society (Maslow, 1943). When you think of the term home, thoughts of comfort and security come to mind. However, the shortage of accessible housing in the U.S., compiled with discrimination in the housing market, reduces the availability of housing for citizens with disabilities and complicates their experiences within their homes. This webinar will cover some of the housing issues confronted by individuals with disabilities, and the different disability laws that are designed to facilitate access to appropriate housing. 

To register, visit:  http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/register/index.cfm?event=4510

La vivienda es esencial para la supervivencia humana. Esta estructura ofrece la seguridad fisiológica y emocional necesaria para que los ciudadanos participen en actividades significativas en la sociedad (Maslow, 1943). Cuando se piensa en el concepto "hogar", pensamientos de bienestar y seguridad vienen a la mente. Sin embargo, la escasez de vivienda accesible en los EE.UU., a la par con la discriminación en el mercado de bienes raíces, reduce la disponibilidad de vivienda para ciudadanos con impedimentos y complica sus experiencias en sus hogares. Este webinar cubrirá algunos de los problemas de vivienda que confrontan los individuos con impedimentos, y las diferentes leyes sobre impedimentos que están diseñadas para facilitar el acceso a vivienda apropiada.

Para inscribirse, visite: http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/edi/register/index.cfm?event=4510

From the Sponsor: 

Region 2 - Northeast ADA Center


Architects/Contractors, People with Disabilities


Facility Access, General ADA Information, Other Laws





Registration Deadline: 

Thursday, September 18, 2014