The Civil Rights Complaint Portal: An Accessibility Journey
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This webinar session will provide an overview by staff from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and 18-F at the General Services Administration (GSA) on a collaborative effort to improve accessibility and user experience of DOJ’s Civil Rights Reporting Portal.
This project began with DOJ staff asking how it could overhaul the Civil Rights Reporting Portal and integrate accessibility as foundational to the new design to improve the usability and accessibility of the existing online portal used by the public to report concerns and discrimination. The team consolidated a complex process involving dozens of unique reporting pathways into a single streamlined accessible user experience.
In this webinar, project team members from DOJ and 18F will review their collaborative efforts to improve the functionality of the external user interface and the data collected and increase analysis and response efficiency. The enhanced site models accessibility for persons with disabilities, and the team continues to ensure that new features are vetted for accessibility.
The presenters will address pre-submitted questions as well as respond to participants questions during the live webinar.