ADA National Network Twitter Chat: Employment and the ADA

Event Date/Time: 

Monday, October 28th, 2019
10:00 AM PDT - 11:00 AM PDT



Mark your calendars! Join the ADA National Network and regional ADA Centers for a 1-hourTwitter Chat: Employment and the ADA.

To follow the chat, you don’t need a Twitter account. Follow: Twitter @ADANational or  #ADANetworkChat.

To tweet you must have a Twitter account. You can tweet your questions and answers about Employment with the hashtag #ADANetworkChat.

You can sign up for a free Twitter account. To learn more, watch this brief tutorial Video: Twitter Chat Basics [3:24 min., CC].

See you at the Twitter Chat!


From the Sponsor: 

ADA National Network


Business, Employer, People with Disabilities, State and Local Government, ADA Coordinator, Attorney or Other Legal Professional, Code Officials Responsible for Physical Accessibility Requirements, Consumer Advocate, Family Member of Person With Disability, Federal or Non-Federal Partner


Employment (ADA Title I), Facility Access, General ADA Information, Other Laws, Public Accommodations (ADA Title III), Technology (Accessible), Telecommunication (ADA Title IV), Transportation, Disability Awareness/Education, Effective Communication, Hiring, Non-Discrimination, Program Access, Reasonable Accommodation, Reasonable Modification of Policy and Procedures, Service Animals


Not Required

