ADA Live Radio Episode 13: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Event Date/Time: 

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014
1:00 PM EDT - 1:30 PM EDT




In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, this episode focuses on the Workforce Innovation and Employment Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA is designed to modernize and improve existing federal workforce development programs. Dr. Rebecca Salon and Elizabeth Jennings of the National Disability Institute’s LEAD Center will discuss the changes created by WIOA and the opportunities it presents for individuals with disabilities.

On the day of the broadcast, links to the audio and real-time captioning will be available under Live Radio Show - ADA Live!. Every show is archived along with a written transcript and additional resources on the ADA website after the broadcast.

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From the Sponsor: 

Region 4 - Southeast ADA Center


Business, Employer, State and Local Government, People with Disabilities


Employment (ADA Title I), General ADA Information, Other Laws


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