Accessibility and ADA: Facility Standards Update Webinar Series: Session 3

Event Date/Time: 

Thursday, February 13th, 2014
2:00 PM EST - 3:30 PM EST


Online Webinar


This ​3-part ​webinar ​series ​will ​focus ​on ​highlights ​of ​the ​ 2010 ​Americans ​with ​Disabilities ​Act ​(ADA) ​Standards ​for ​ Accessible ​Design. ​The ​Standards, ​adopted ​by ​the ​Department ​of ​ Justice ​in ​2010, ​became ​mandatory ​for ​use ​on ​March ​15, ​2012.

Find out what's been added, removed, revised, and reorganized. Learn what's new from parking to plumbing!

Presented by Nancy Horton, Information Specialist with the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center. Ms. Horton has nearly 25 years of experience in the disability field, including working as an accessibility specialist at Centers for Independent Living, and providing consultations and architectural plans reviews for Eastlake, Derry & Associates.

•   Session 1:  Thursday, January 30
•   Session 2:  Thursday,  February 6
•   Session 3: Thursday, February 13

Session 3:

This session will continue to address highlights of specific scoping provisions and technical specifications. Participants will learn about new or revised requirements related to assembly areas, kitchens, transient lodging guest rooms, jails and prisons, residential dwelling units, and recreation facilities.

From the Sponsor: 

Region 3 - Mid-Atlantic ADA Center, ADA National Network


Architects/Contractors, Business, Employer, State and Local Government, People with Disabilities


Facility Access, Hospitality, Public Accommodations (ADA Title III), State and Local Government (ADA Title II)




$40 for 3-part series