On Our Way With the ADA!

Event Date/Time: 

Friday, July 22nd, 2022
1:00 PM CDT - 4:00 PM CDT

Location of Event (Web or City, State): 

Knoxville, TN


COME CELEBRATE WITH US! THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA). WHY? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990 by President George H.W. Bush. The ADA is a civil rights law that renders equal opportunity, full participation, independent living and economic self-sufficiency to all individuals with disabilities. Spirit of the ADA Awards Ceremony and Live Out Loud Academy Graduation The Spirit of the ADA Awards will be presented to people in our local community who have gone above and beyond the spirit of the ADA to advocate for people with disabilities. There will be light refreshments, door prizes, and fun! COME CELEBRATE WITH US!

Cost of Event: 


Registration Requirement: 

Not Required

Sponsoring Organization(s) of Event: 

disABILITY Resource Center


  • Architects/Contractors
  • Business
  • Employer
  • People with Disabilities
  • State and Local Government


  • ADA Anniversary