ADA Live! Celebrate the ADA! Learn about ADA National Network and NIDILRR
Event Date/Time:
Wednesday, July 5th, 2023 to Monday, July 31st, 2023
Location of Event (Web or City, State):
LISTEN:; READ & EXPLORE: transcript, resources at
TUNE-IN to ADA Live! Podcast and Resources.
Join our celebration of the ADA 33rd anniversary.
+ LISTEN: Audio: SoundCloud ADA Live!
+ READ: Captions by Interactive Transcript and Transcript [PDF file]
+ EXPLORE: Resources List
+ IN THIS EPISODE: On July 26, 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law. The ADA informs the public, businesses, and other organizations about their responsibilities and rights under the ADA. A national network of 10 regional ADA Centers, including the Southeast ADA Center, was created by Congress in 1991 to provide information, training, and guidance on the ADA. The Southeast ADA Center serves eight states in the U.S. Southeast region. The ADA National Network is funded by a grant from the federal government’s primary disability research organization, the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). Learn more about NIDILLR’s mission, projects and programs that help each regional ADA Center in the ADA National Network serve and support diverse communities of people with disabilities and other ADA stakeholders throughout the United States.
GUEST: Shelley Reeves, the ADA National Network Program Coordinator and Section 21 Program Coordinator for NIDILRR.
Cost of Event:
Registration Requirement:
Not Required
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Sponsoring Organization(s) of Event:
Southeast ADA Center
- Architects/Contractors
- Business
- Employer
- People with Disabilities
- State and Local Government
- ADA Anniversary