Understanding the ADA’s Interactive Process: How Employers and Employees Should Discuss Requests for Accommodations

Event Date/Time: 

Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
2:00 PM EDT - 3:30 PM EDT


Via Zoom Webinar Platform


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)’s “interactive process” is about an employer and employee (or applicant) having a meaningful discussion about a request, including why accommodation is needed and what forms of accommodation might be effective. Yet, both employers and employees often lack understanding on why a discussion generally is necessary and how to discuss a request, including what types of information may need to be shared and their respective roles in having a meaningful discussion. This session will discuss how to ensure an interactive process that provides employers with the information to make a legally sound decision consistent with the requirements of the ADA. We will discuss how each person plays a part in ensuring that critical information is shared (including sometimes medical documentation) and outside sources that can assist in identifying potential accommodations.

General Accommodations: 

Open or Closed Captions
Materials Available in Alternate Formats

From the Sponsor: 

Region 5 - Great Lakes ADA Center, ADA National Network


Business, Employer, People with Disabilities, State and Local Government, ADA Coordinator, Attorney or Other Legal Professional, Consumer Advocate, Family Member of Person With Disability, Policy Expert, Practitioners, Service Provider


Employment (ADA Title I), Reasonable Accommodation


ACTCP Credit, Attendance




$ 0.00

Registration Deadline: 

Monday, October 14, 2024