Disability in a COVID World: Employment, Communications, Physical Spaces, and Mental Health

Event Date/Time: 

Thursday, December 3rd, 2020
12:00 PM EST - 1:30 PM EST


Web via Zoom platform; captioning available


In celebration of the annual International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD or IDPwD) held on December 3 around the world, a panel of international presenters will discuss disability in a COVID world with a focus on employment, communications, physical spaces and mental health.

This webinar is a collaboration of the Consulate General of Canada in Atlanta, Southeast ADA Center and Burton Blatt Institute of Syracuse University.

Webinar Format

  • Free but registration is required!
  • Participate in the webinar by using:
    • Zoom Platform
    • Real-Time Captioning
    • Mobile App 
    • Phone dial-in
      NOTE: If you use a toll number, you will be charged based on the rates of your phone service provider.
  • Archive of the webinar will be available.

Additional event

From the Sponsor: 

Region 4 - Southeast ADA Center, Consulate General of Canada in Atlanta, Burton Blatt Institute of Syracuse University


Business, Employer, People with Disabilities, State and Local Government, ADA Coordinator, Attorney or Other Legal Professional, Code Officials Responsible for Physical Accessibility Requirements, Consumer Advocate, Educator, Family Member of Person With Disability, Federal or Non-Federal Partner, Media, Medical Professional, Researcher, Service Provider, State/Local Affiliate


Education, Employment (ADA Title I), Facility Access, General ADA Information, Other Laws, Public Accommodations (ADA Title III), State and Local Government (ADA Title II), Transportation, Accessible Parking, ADA Center Information, Disability Awareness/Education, Effective Communication, Non-Discrimination, Program Access





Registration Deadline: 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Other Sponsor: 

Consulate General of Canada in Atlanta, Burton Blatt Institute of Syracuse University

Other Credit: 

Certificate of Completion