Digital Accessibility: What have we learned and what does the future hold?

Event Date/Time: 

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020
2:00 PM EDT - 3:30 PM EDT

Location of Event (Web or City, State): 



The authors of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) did not specifically reference information technology in the language of the law or regulations. Yet we know through guidance and interpretation through the various federal enforcement agencies and courts that the accessibility of the "virtual world" and devices and mechanisms utilized to access it are indeed covered by the law. Join this session as we look back at how these issues have been addressed, strategies that have been successful to achieve accessibility and compliance and lessons learned as well as explore what the future may hold as technology is quickly changing. -- NOTE: Registration slots are limited. However, the webinar will be recorded and made available at a later date for viewing.

Cost of Event: 


Registration Requirement: 


Registration Deadline Date: 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sponsoring Organization(s) of Event: 

Great Lakes ADA Center, Southeast ADA Center, Pacific ADA Center, ADA National Network


  • Architects/Contractors
  • Business
  • Employer
  • People with Disabilities


  • ADA Anniversary