Communicating with People Who Have Hearing, Vision, and Speech Disabilities: ADA Requirements for Facilities, Vehicles, and Services
Event Date/Time:
Tuesday, July 10th, 2018
12:30 PM EDT - 1:00 PM EDT
This 30-minute session will offer a brief overview of ADA provisions related to communicating with people who have hearing, vision, or speech disabilities as they seek to participate in state and local government programs covered by Title II, or gain access to services offered by the wide range of private businesses covered by Title III. We will review some common communication-related features required in vehicles and buildings (e.g., signs, alarm signals), as well as strategies, services, or devices that may be needed to communicate effectively in various types of interactions.
- This webinar will be presented via the Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing platform.
- Real-time captioning will be available through the webinar platform.
- A telephone conference option will also be available should you choose not to use the webinar platform.
- Information on accessing the webinar platform and the telephone conference number will be provided prior to the session.
From the Sponsor:
Region 3 - Mid-Atlantic ADA Center
Architects/Contractors, Business, Employer, People with Disabilities, State and Local Government, ADA Coordinator, Attorney or Other Legal Professional, Code Officials Responsible for Physical Accessibility Requirements, Consumer Advocate, Educator, Family Member of Person With Disability, Federal or Non-Federal Partner, Industry Representative or Product Developer, Media, Medical Professional, Policy Expert, Practitioners, Religious Organization, Researcher, Service Provider, State/Local AffiliateTopic:
Facility Access, General ADA Information, Hospitality, Public Accommodations (ADA Title III), State and Local Government (ADA Title II), Technology (Accessible), Telecommunication (ADA Title IV), Transportation, Accessible Technologies, ADA Center Information, Disability Awareness/Education, Effective Communication, Enforcement, Non-Discrimination, Program Access, Reasonable Accommodation, Reasonable Modification of Policy and ProceduresRegistration:
Registration Link:
Registration Deadline:
Tuesday, July 10, 2018