Evaluating & Managing Accessibility in 3rd Party Web Content

Event Date/Time: 

Thursday, September 19th, 2019
2:00 PM EDT - 3:30 PM EDT




These days web sites are rarely built entirely from HTML under your control. In this age of APIs, embedded widgets and iframes, it is all too easy to render an otherwise fully accessible page both inaccessible and completely unusable just by adding a single line of JavaScript. In this session we’ll discuss all aspect of identifying 3rd party tools and app, assessing your risk and devise strategies for solving the 3rd party problems. Specific topics include:


  • The legality and liability of using inaccessible 3rd party tools in your website.

  • What is 3rd party and what is NOT 3rd party?

  • Options for remediating 3rd party issues.

  • How to write a remediation request to the 3rd party vendor.

  • How to find and select accessible 3rd party apps and tools for your site.

  • What to do if you’ve run out of ideas and options. 

As time allows we’ll examine examples of various types of 3rd party tools, take questions from the group, and devise actual solutions for anyone interested in sharing their 3rd party problems.

From the Sponsor: 

Region 4 - Southeast ADA Center, Region 5 - Great Lakes ADA Center, Region 9- Pacific ADA Center, ADA National Network,


People with Disabilities, Consumer Advocate, Industry Representative or Product Developer, Practitioners


Technology (Accessible)







Registration Deadline: 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019