Mississippi disAbility MegaConference
Event Date/Time:
Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 to Friday, June 19th, 2015
Location of Event (Web or City, State):
Jackson, Mississippi
2015 will mark 25 years since the ADA was signed into law. This will be the focus of the 4th annual Mississippi (MS) disAbility MegaConference.
The MS disAbility MegaConference is back this year and will be better than ever.
The conference fee for 2015 includes 2 days of sessions and breakouts, 2 continental breakfasts,
one plated lunch awards ceremony, and a gala reception the night of the 18th.
More details for schedules, speakers, and break out session offerings may be found on the website.
The MS disAbility MegaConference is the state's largest conference for individuals with disabilities, their families, and professionals. At the conference, vendors and speakers will share the latest information and innovations on many topics such as: housing, education, employment, health care, mental health, etc. Continuing Education Units/Credits are offered in many of these categories. The conference is a great way for people to make new friends and learn about services that may benefit their lives in the future.
Wednesday night, the 17th, we will have an opportunity for families to take part in a special night at the Jackson Zoo being sponsored by St. Dominic Hospital, so check back often for more details!!
Cost of Event:
Individual-$35, Family-$60, Professional (1 day)-$160, Professional (2 day)-$110
Registration Requirement:
Registration Deadline Date:
Monday, June 1, 2015
For More Information on This Event:
Sponsoring Organization(s) of Event:
Univ. of Southern MS-Institute for Disability Studies, Brain Injury Assc. of MS, Bridge To Independence, MS Council on Developmental Disabilities, Disability Rights MS, Families As Allies, SPLC, LIFE of MS, MPA, MSCCD, Arc of MS, MSPTI, MAPSE, Epilepsy Fo
- Business
- Employer
- State and Local Government
- People with Disabilities
- ADA Anniversary